Christmas Countdown – 11 Months
January 26, 2015Looking to Summer
January 30, 2015Winter is here in earnest — and no holidays to distract us from the cold. Once the calendar gets past November, I make sure to keep a few things on hand:
A good shovel and something to deal with the ice (sand, salt, ice melt, etc.).
At least one phone that is not cordless in case power goes out. If you do not have a landline and the power goes down, rotate which cell phone you keep on and take any opportunity to recharge. (I can recharge my phone from my laptop, I'll drain that rather than lose my ohone.)
Basic groceries: at the very least, ereal, powdered milk, and soup. I like to keep the ingredients for chili and pasta sauce, maybe a favorite soup. And of course, everything needed for a batch of Chocolate chip cookies. That way, if you are stuck inside, at least your tummy is happy.
Something to occupy the time stick inside: some board games, a good book or 12, DVDs or DVRed shows, the supplies needed to complete some craft projects, basic tools and notions to do simple home repairs.
Remember, if you can't get outdoors, you'll want the things you need inside with you!