Make It Easy
September 9, 2009Planning for Rosh Hashanah
September 11, 2009You may recall that months ago, I posted about the moths in my pantry. Despite valiant effort, I haven't been able to get rid of them. So yesterday, I called in the professionals.
The first thing I learned is that I don't have moths at all. I have grain weevils. (Like that's an imprivement.) It's very easy to bring them home from the store in any sort of grain product (including cereal, pasta, and rice) or sugar. It's almost impossible to find them until they start flying around — and then the problem is already well-established.
My exterminator sprayed, to limit their reproduction. He also recommended that I go through all the grain products in the house and put each item in a plastic bag. If, in the next few weeks, something is flying in there, that bag goes right into the trash. If not, the product should be safe to use.
Furthermore, he recommended that, when I bring any grain product home from the store, I immediately place it in a plastic bag or container before storage. If that product does carry insects, you'll know it in a week or so and they won't spread.
I'm still facing a few more weeks before my problem is solved, but it seems like there's light (and no bugs!) at the end of the tunnel.