Things You Should Have — Cookbooks
January 29, 2009Procrastination
February 3, 2009There is nothing worse than finding yourself with free time and having nothing to do. We prepare for our tasks and our errands and our events, but we never remember to prepare for our relaxation.
The recreation supplies you should keep on hand will vary from person to person. You need to keep the things you like to do. Maybe you always want to have some favorite movies to watch or some favorite music to listen to. You might want some good books to read or supplies for a favorite craft. Maybe your passion is crossword puzzles or sudoku or board games or letter writing or spa treatments.
You need to indentify whatever gives you pleasure and peace, anything that helps you relax and enjoy life. Once you've identified that thing (or those things), make it a habit to keep the basics on hand. You wouldn't be without milk or bread or toilet paper. Why would you be without the things that make you happy?