July 30, 2014Enjoying Summer
August 4, 2014I always feel like I've missed summer. There are lots of reasons for that.
First, as a rule, I rarely take vacations in the summer. I am more likely to travel in the autumn, just because of convenience.
Second, my work is structured in such a way that I am extremely busy through the end of July or the first week of August. I tend to have two critical deadlines and an important business trip that fill my June and July. When everyone else is enjoying the beginning of the summer, I'm swamped. And, by the time I meet all my deadlines, I've let everything else slide so long that I spend the rest of the summer trying to catch up.
Unfortunately, by the time I can start enjoying my summer, everyone else has moved on to their back-to-schoool planning, so I feel like I've missed everything, even though there's more than a month left in season.
So, this year, I'm trying to really enjoy the rest of the summer. I'm making a list of basic things I want to accomplish (many of them things on my resolution list). I'll do a little bit every day and spend the rest of my time enjoying the last few lazy days of summer.
Let's see how it goes?