Summer Bounty
September 7, 2009Make It Easy
September 9, 2009If you're like me, you have a whole list of things you've been "meaning to" do. Sometimes it's a chore. ("I've been meaning to clean out the junk drawer" or "I've been meaning to set up a budget.") Sometimes it's a long-held goal. ("I've been meaning to trace my family tree.") Sometimes it's simple and fun. ("I've been meaning to make pancakes for breakfast" or "I've been meaning to read that new novel" or "I've been meaning to call Aunt Sally.")
It's time to start moving things from the "meaning to" category, otherwise, you'll be wasting a lot of opportunities. And most of our regrets are for things we failed to accomplish.
So, as you think of things you've been meaning to do, make a list in some accessible place — in the back of a journal, in your calendar, on the computer — whatever works for you. As you think of new things, add them to the bottom of the list. Then, every week or two (no less frequently than that so you develop- a rhythjm), do one thing from the list. Take some step that will allow you to move forward.
If it helps, you can break a single task into several steps. For example, if you've been meaning to join a gym, one week you can make a list of the gyms in your area. the next week you can visit gyms for a tour and to check pricing. The next week you can join.
As you accomplish each task –or if you make a good start (you aren't going to learn to speak French in a week, but you can sign up for lessons or join a conversation club )– you cross it off your list and move to the next one. The key is to get moving!