Happy Anniversary!
September 30, 2012Setting a Gift Limit
October 2, 2012It's hard to believe, but today is October 1st. That means that today begins the final quarter of the year.
This week is a good time to look back over your new year's resolutions (because, of course, you wrote them down) to see what you've accomplished and what is left undone.
You may not be able to achieve everything you had planned, but you can choose one or two things you might still accomplish.
I know that I have a few things on my list that I plan to focus on in these last three months:
- I will finally try my hand at canning.
- I have some financial and legal things to handle.
- I have a dress I really want to sew.
All doable. They just require my time and attention. So here it goes. Into the fourth quarter!