Christmas Countdown — Three Months
September 25, 2011Giving Stuff Away — The Basics
September 28, 2011I realize that this blog post title sounds like an episode of “The Big Bang Theory,” but it’s a serious issue. People, we have a lot of stuff. Our stuff is taking over the world. Finding novels ways and places to store all our stuff is a growth industry.
With the holidays coming, now is a great time to start de-cluttering. It is far easier to decorate and entertain if you have space.
Here’s a strategy for addressing your clutter:
- Don’t attempt to do it all in a day or a weekend. Address one area/room a week. You don’t want it to become so overwhelming that you quit when you are halfway finished.
- When you declutter, start by taking everything out to sort it. Only put things back after you’ve decided you ABSOLUTELY want to keep it.
- Sort the things you take out into four piles: Keep where it is, keep but store, sell/donate/give away, and trash.
- You can donate anything you’d like, provided it’s usable. Please don’t donate trash to a charity. They have to use precious funds to haul away your junk.
- If something is not usable and not repairable, throw it away.
- If you decide to repair something and you have not done so within 3 months, throw it away. You aren’t going to repair it and you probably don’t need it even if it does work.
- You should only keep at hand those items you use regularly.
- You should keep in storage only those things that are used seasonally and things of sentimental value. Be reasonable about what has sentimental value. Your photo albums and your wedding dress have sentimental value. Your first microwave and mismatched Tupperware don’t.
- Please don’t save stuff you “might” use someday. If you haven’t used it in a year, you aren’t going to use it.
So get started!