Thinking about Taxes
February 19, 2016The Forgotten Joy of Silence
February 24, 2016Last week, when I blogged about how Lenten fasting regulations during the Middle Ages were very seasonal in agrarian Europe, it got me thinking about how the seasons affect me.
Our weather over the last few weeks has been insane. We've gone from frigid cold with biting wind to snow to ice to spring time, back to winter winds, with a quick turn to spring, and then more snow. From day to day I don't know whether I should wear snow pants or a sun dress.
But I have noticed an increase in energy when the sun shines brightly. I want to accomplish things and cross things off my list. On the other hand, when it's dreary and rainy (no matter the temperature), I want to make a pot of homemade soup and a pan of brownies while I curl up with a good book or some needlework.
Knowing this about myself allows me to plan my daily and weekly schedules to take advantage of my energy swings. If one day in a week is supposed to be gorgeous, I schedule a few more activities (especially outdoor ones) to take advantage. At the same time, if it's supposed to be dreary, I try to get the bigger chores done in advance so my "work" those days can be things like writing letters or prepping meals for the freezer or catching up on magazines.
The way I figure it is use the momentum you have and follow the path that makes it easiest to reach your destination. Why travel through the pit of despair when the zipline of joy is right beside you?