Your Year-End To-Do List!
December 30, 2011Activity of the Week #1
January 4, 2012You all now that I’m a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions.
The resoultions I make are more like a form of personal strategic planning – a list of things I hope to accomplish in the coming year and a listof practices to help me get there.
A good resolution needs to be specific, measurable, and realistic. T
hat being said, I made one resolution for this blog:
I will blog three times a week, consistently.
I also decided to start a new series: a weekly post of something to do that will enrich your life in some way. My plan is to post each week’s activity on Wednesday so you’ll have time before the weekend to plan. The activities won’t take a long time or cost a lot, but I like to give people time to integrate things into their calendars!
We’ll start tomorrow.