The Importance of Weekends
December 5, 2008The Virtue of No
December 9, 2008We've now hit the point in our Christmas preparations when it's time for a reality check. Sit down and make a list of everything you have left to do to get ready for Christmas.
Is it realistic? Can you finish the list without killing yorself or those you love and still have time to sleep? If so, good for you. Keep it up and enjoy!
It the list isn't realistic, it's time to start cutting out things that might be unnecessary. You don't have to make 14 different kinds of cookies. You don't have to make a 5 course Christmas dinner. You don't have to decorate to rival Rockefeller Center. It's ok to simplify. You have permission.
You can also cut back on your card-writing and gift-giving. Over the years, a Christmas card list can become very bloated. You'll find yourself sending cards to people you haven't seen in years and that you barely remember. You don't need to send a card. It's also fine to talk to your friends and decide against giving gifts this year. They may be happier than you expect to hear that idea!