Living Well in Tough Times
October 6, 2008Christmas Countdown – 11 Weeks
October 8, 2008One of the reasons I push planning so hard is that it helps you save time and money. A good plan let's you minimize the time and expense spent on less important things so that you can focus on the things that really matter to you.
Here are some simple steps you can take to use your time well and save money:
- If you have multiple insurance policies (homeowner's, renter's, auto) with different companies, you may be able to save by combining all of your policies with one company. An increase in the deductible may lower your rate substantially.
Moving from paper billing to online bill pay has two benefits: first, you save the stamps; second, you are less likely to be assessed late fees and finance charges. Make sure that you are signing up for straight bill pay, not for credit card payment. Many credit card payments are charged an extra processing fee.
Turn the heat down to 65 to save heating fuel. Wear a sweater. Get some cozy throws. Put an extra blanket on the bed. Snuggle with someone.
When you have several errands to run, schedule as many as possible for the same day so that you can do them in a single trip. Drop off or pick up dry cleaning on the way to the dentist. Go to the library and the drug store on the same trip. If possible, walk between errands to save gas and get some exercise.
Make online purchases well in advance to avoid rush shipment fees.
Cut entertainment costs by visiting libraries and taking advantage of free concerts, lectures, exhibits, and the like. Don't use shopping as entertainment. You'll end up spending too much money on things you don't need and don't have room for.
Look over your standard expenses and see where you can make cuts. For example, could you cut back on the premium channels in your cable package? Change your cell plan? Cancel subscriptions for magazines you never read? Cut the daily $4 cup of fancy coffee? Change a cleaning service to every other week rather than every week?
The key is to make sure that the money saved through these means goes into savings, not new purchases. If you see the results of your efforts, you'll feel better about how hard you're trying.