Some Gift-Giving Basics
November 10, 2008Christmas Countdown – 6 Weeks
November 12, 2008I know that I talk a lot about planning and using time well, but that doesn't mean that I am utterly opposed to doing thuings that are seen as "wasting time."
Today, it seems as if every moment of our days is scheduled. Even our leisure is scheduled. We have DVDs we MUST watch, books we MUST read, museums we MUST visit. Sometimes, we even schedule every moment of our vacations.
When do we just rest and enjoy life? Experience the food we've prepared, the home we've decorated and kept, the family and friends we've gathered around us?
Never be afraid to block out a few hours or a day to just do whatevr arises — play in the yard with the kids, read a book just for the fun of it, watch mindless tv, go for a walk, take a bubble bath, whatever you like.
Unscheduled time gives your body and your mind time to rest. It opens you to the serendipity of surrendering your inner schedule. This holiday season, give yourself this gift.