Cleaning Out
April 7, 2010Taxes
April 12, 2010Now is a great time to look ahead to your summer calendar.
First, mark in the dates you already know — end of school, cousin beulah's wedding, etc. If you've decided on a vacation date, get that in there. (Make sure you mark it on the calendar at work as well.)
Second, try to get down as much information as you can about activities like Little League, friends coming to visit, trips to the farmer's market, etc.
Third, block off time to simply enjoy the lazy days of summer. Play tourist in your home town, catch a summer blockbuster, or simply go for a long walk or bike ride.
Finally, pencil in some entertainment opportunities. Have friends over for a cookout. Plan a pool party (assuming you have a pool). Host a dinner party or tapas. Have a block party.
Whatever you do, don't overschedule. You want time to simply enjoy.