As you might guess from this blog and my presence on Facebook, I'm very comfortable in a digital world. I'm not a Luddite. I am on the computer much of the day and I am (almost) physically attached to my smartphone. But I love writing and receiving letters. You know — the old-fashioned snail mail kind that you write on paper and send in a stamped envelope.
This spring, I have two friends who are out of town without access to digital forms of communication. So I've been writing them letters — once every week or ten days. There's just something special about sitting down with nice stationery and sharing your thoughts and the events of your day.
Receiving letters is even better! There's just something very special about sitting down with a nice cup of tea to read a letter and compose a response. I have saved almost every personal letter I've received. How many emails do you keep?
Digital communications are designed to be temporary. Texts and emails automatically delete after a certain amount of time. Facebook feeds update. But a letter lasts – hopefully like the relationship it reflects.
So, sometime this week, pour yourself a cup of tea, sit yourself down, and write a letter. Who knows You might make someone's week!