Using Food Wisely
July 6, 2010Heat Wave — Working Out
July 8, 2010The Northeast is having a major heat wave. Temperatures are in excess of 100 degrees at midday. Today, it was over 80 before 7 a.m. and last night it was still 95 at 8 p.m.
On days like this, the last thing you want to do is stand over a hot stove or heat up the house with the oven.
To my mind, that makes these days the perfect time to eat out or to pick up takeout. I know I usually talk up the importance of cooking good things at home, but heat waves are the exception. There is no point in being hot and miserable. There just isn't.
If you do eat at home, think salads. At least you don't have to cook and vegetables are often filled with water which keeps you hydrated.
Speaking of hydration — please drink lots of water. Not caffeine. Not alcohol. Not sugary sodas or juices. Water with some cut up citrus fruit will do your body good. Drink as much as you possibly can — but at least 40-48 ounces (about a quart and a half). If you start to feel dizzy, get into the cool and start drinking.