Getting Your Finances in Order, Part 2: Decrease Expenses and Increase Saving
January 13, 2016Get Your House in Order, Part 1: The Question of Clutter
January 18, 2016This week we're looking at ways to get your finances in order. We've looked at establishing your net worth and developing a budget, and at ways to cut expenses and save. Today, we'll look at some other money maters that should be on your radar.
Insurance: Take a look at your insurance policies (auto, homeowners', life, personal liability, renters', long-term care, etc.). Make sure that you know what is covered and what isn't, that your coverage is adequate, and that your deductibles are reasonable. Increasing your deductible (assuming that you have the savings to cover it if necessary) will decrease your annual premium.
Will: If you are an adult who owns property, you need a will. Each state has different rules for what is required for a legal will, so check with your own state. While you are at it, consider a durable power of attorney for health care or a standing order for end-of-life care.
Beneficiaries: Take a look at your insurance policies, your pension, and any investment accounts you have. Each of those accounts should have a beneficiary. Naming a beneficiary instead of letting it go to your estate will make the transfer of the funds easier.
Fire=proof Box: A great accessory in any home is a fireproof box where you can keep all of your important financial documents. This can include a listing of all accounts, a copy of your mortgage, leases, your will, and original insurance policies. This is also a great place to keep savings bonds and important documents like birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce papers, etc. Also, make sure someone other than you has access to a key.