Humidity is Not My Friend
June 27, 2008Oh, Oh, We’re Halfway There
July 1, 2008Since the Fourth of July is this week, there are some foods that are on special this week that you might want to pick up.
Today, I bought a lovely medley of berries — blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. I am washing them all and putting then in the fridge in a nice bowl. Whenever I want a snack, I can get some lovely healthy berries. (If I am being less healthy, I can add cream — whipped or not. That makes a very patriotic dessert — red, white, and blue.
There are other things that are typically on special this week that you might want to pick up: fresh corn on the cob (you can remove the husks and freeze the cobs in a freezer bag), ketchup, mustard, pickles, soda. Also, paper products are often on sale, so if you have space, you can stock up.