Food and Drink
April 21, 2010Getting Active and Outside
April 23, 2010Today is Earth Day — a good time to celebrate the beauty of nature. Spending a bit of time outside would not go amiss.
It's also a good time to reflect on our patterns of consumption. We are using the earth's resources at a startling pace with grave impact on the natural world. But there are lots of things we can do to make a difference:
- Use less. If you don't buy it, no one had to make it or ship it or dispose of it. Make it a habit before every purchase to ask yourself: Do I really need this?
- If you do need something, consider getting it in a less consumptive way: borrow a book or DVD from the library; buy something used; share a purchase with a friend or neighbor.
- Recycle whatever you can: paper, plastic, glass, aluminum. You can even compost food scraps and yard trimming.
- Whatever you do buy, use it up. Try to buy only as much as you need of things and use it completely. Limit waste.
- Think about how you use energy. Do you leave lights on all over the house? Instead of turning up the heat, do you put on a sweater? Instead of cranking up the AC, do you open a window? Do you plan your errands so you don't miss anything (necessitating extra trips) and so that you can gang errands together?
- Have you considered alternate transportation: biking, walking, public transit, carpooling?
Little steps can make a big difference.