February 19, 2018Christmas Countdown — 10 Months
February 24, 2018Today we round out our look at the penitential practices of Lent by looking at almsgiving.
Almsgiving, in its simplest form, is giving to those in need. It can take many forms. You can set up your bank account to make regular donations to charities you support. You can save a specific portion of your income and make grants to charities on a quarterly, semiannual, or annual basis. You can give money to those you see in need, be it a neighbor who is out of work, a local family suffering a loss, or a cause you see on a crowd-funding site.
Charitable giving should be part of your life year-round if at all possible. Unless you are struggling to meet basic needs, you should seek a way to help those who do struggle. A critical look at your budget might help you find a place to cut (clothes shopping, eating out, cable, movies, etc.) so that you can give to those in need.
During Lent, we are called to go beyond the usual. To do without, to give more. To identify with those with need and respond with generosity.
What can you do this Lent?